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In this article, the methodology and data analysis to develop a pedagogical model through La Pastoral Educativa (PE) are presented, which conceives that education should not only focus on the acquisition of academic knowledge, but also on training. of values and the development of an ethical and social conscience. The project: “Practical Guide to Educational Pastoral for the promotion of personal growth and Healthy Coexistence of Students of the 14 de Febrero Educational Institution in Cartagena de Indias.” Its goal, as mentioned in the title, was the design of an educational pastoral guide that began with a diagnosis of the socioeconomic, family, academic and pastoral environment of the students in order to establish the characteristics of the population and the most important aspects. vulnerability. According to the results of the diagnosis, workshops were developed to promote socio-emotional skills, such as empathy, solidarity and respect for others. The goal of these workshops is to encourage, among others, intercultural and interreligious dialogue, promoting respect for diversity and peaceful coexistence.
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