

How to Cite
Gómez Betancur, M. I., Camilo Andrés González Garzón, & Rafael Ricardo Cogollo Pitalúa. (2023). Strengthening critical reading in high school students through the use of intertextuality. Revista Internacional De Cooperación Y Desarrollo, 10(2), 95–107. https://doi.org/10.21500/23825014.6805
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Upon evaluating the academic achievements of students in both national and international assessments, it becomes apparent that educators and other stakeholders in the field of education should persist in advocating for the implementation of active tactics aimed at fostering critical reading skills. Within this particular context, the primary objective of this paper is to present the outcomes achieved by employing intertextuality as a pedagogical approach in order to enhance the development of critical reading skills among students in the eighth grade. The present study was divided into three distinct phases: firstly, the assessment of students' learning and competencies in critical reading, with a focus on the transformative potential of evaluation in pedagogical practice; secondly, the integration of intertextuality into reading activities to enhance students' critical reading skills; and lastly, a reflective evaluation of intertextuality as a relevant pedagogical approach for promoting the leveling and remediation of critical reading abilities. In summary, it can be deduced that intertextuality serves as an optimal teaching approach for enhancing the critical reading skills of secondary school students, as it fosters a dynamic exchange and critical perspective between the text and the reader.



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