

How to Cite
Isaza Valencia, L., & Henao Lopez, G. C. (2012). Attitudes - styles of education: relation with the academic performance. International Journal of Psychological Research, 5(1), 133–141. https://doi.org/10.21500/20112084.769
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This study seek to determine the existing relations between the attitudes and the styles of education in 25 teachers of 180 students with high academic performance, which are in fifthly of primary. To measure both variables there was in use the Scale Actitudinal towards the educational work (Carvajal, 1991) and the Questionnaire DEVEMI of Delgado (1991). The results revealed that the attitudes and the styles of education that have a more presence are: democratic participation, social importance of the educational work, professional improvement, style that propitiates the socialization, style that makes possible the participation and style that favors the creativity. The teachers are an essential and determinant component in the processes of education - learning, them actions and verbalizations croos all the educational situations directed to generating changes and learning in them students, which happen unnoticed; for this reason, the results of this study, they allow to penetrate into the didactic aspects of the education, and to identify those attitudes and styles of education that relates and propitiate the high academic performance; which serves to break the inertia of I do not change in the education and in the way of teaching, generating attitudes and more effective styles of education.



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