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The objective of this study was focused on carrying out an analysis on the main contributions of additive manufacturing in dental pieces and the benefits of this procedure in dentistry, as well as establishing the advantages and limitations that this modality entails. The research was based on a systematic review with adaptability to Prisma and Tranfield methodology, through which the impact of additive manufacturing in dental clinics and in the various clients who acquire the pieces in terms of taste and adherence to product, likewise, in terms of contribution to knowledge, the study remains as a precedent for other investigations that are carried out later on this topic. Articles published in the last five years from the Scopus and Web of Science databases were reviewed. The process was developed through inclusion and exclusion criteria, wherein its final instance the material criteria, type of printing, and post-processing were reviewed, to which a final filter was made that yielded the articles for review of the literature. This project contributes to the knowledge of the processes that are carried out in additive manufacturing in dental pieces, the advantages and disadvantages, thus leaving a precedent for the adherence of dental clinics to this method.
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