Ingenierías USBMed


How to Cite
Moreno Cortes, D. S., Solaque Guzmán, L. E., & Velasco Vivas, A. (2024). Supervision system applied to the precision agriculture robot CERES for agricultural crops care. Ingenierías USBmed, 15(2).
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The significant reform in the production processes used by farmers to guarantee the food chain in Colombia requires developments that contribute to the optimization of resources, adequate use of supplies and less use of labor. For this, robotics plays a fundamental role that can help to face these challenges through supervisory systems capable of managing coordinated tasks for the benefit of agriculture. This article presents the development of a supervision system for a robot that provides care and protection to the health of potato crops, aimed at preventing phytosanitary problems, and guaranteeing plant health through the necessary nutrition. The structure of the supervisory system implemented in the CERES agricultural robot is based on the theory of adaptive decision making that works in real time. The supervision algorithm was integrated into the general programming architecture of the CERES agricultural robot through the Python language, coding the supervision algorithm and integrating it into the general programming architecture of the agricultural robot, which in this case is based on ROS. Obtaining a hierarchy of tasks for the care of potato crops.



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