

How to Cite
Gutierrez de Blume, A. P., & Montoya Londoño, D. M. . (2021). Relation between Performance and Metacognitive Monitoring and How Students Develop Metacognitive Judgments. Psychologia, 15(2), 13–31. https://doi.org/10.21500/19002386.5425
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Metacognition is an important higher-order thinking process for successful learning. The present study investigated the relation between students’ performance and their metacognitive monitoring accuracy and bias and the extent to which differences in expected grade versus actual grade predicted accuracy and bias (N = 65), employing an explanatory sequential quantitativeàQUALITATIVE mixed method research design. The study also explored how students develop and refine metacognitive judgments. Results revealed that there were significant relations between performance and accuracy and bias, and that performance significantly predicted both accuracy and bias. Further, qualitative findings revealed that there were differences in how students developed and refined metacognitive judgments as a function of four aspects of learning: effort/preparation, strategy selection/implementation, planning, and evaluation. Educators should explicitly teach metacognitive monitoring skills to improve students’ self-regulated learning.


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