

How to Cite
Espinosa Menéndez, N., Galindo Rosero, A., Bastidas Lopera, W., & Monsalve Rojas, J. E. (2012). Socio-demographic profile of displaced population in Antioquia. Ágora USB, 12(2), 233–287. https://doi.org/10.21500/16578031.218
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This article contains the main results of a research oriented to the carrying out of a demographic characterization of the population victim of displacement in Antioquia. In order to carry out a rigorous exercise that would pick up the conditions of life of this population, the research team designed a methodological strategy starting from the crossing of different official databases. Such a strategy enabled the characterization of reliable, up-to-date and verifiable data on more than the third part of the population.



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