Ingenierías USBMed

ISSN (on line): 2027-5846


Periodicity: Biannual

Editor: Ph.D Andrés Felipe Hernández Marulanda

Description: Ingenierías USBMed is a scientific journal published by the Faculty of Engineering, University of San Buenaventura, Medellín, since 2010. Ingenierías USBMed journal is published semi-annually with scientific articles in the fields of Science and Technology, complying with high-quality editorial policies. The objective of the Journal is to disseminate original-and-relevant research on scientific and technological knowledge, using the results of scientific research for contributing to the development of science and technology.

Ingenierías USBMed considers in its Editorial Policy keeping open the reception of articles throughout the year, with two deadlines: August 30 for the January-June edition, and February 15 for the July-December edition. Proposed articles are evaluated as they arrive.

Google Scholar H5 index currently is 15.



The Caffein-finite. Management of finite natural resources with gamification.

La Cafein-finita. Gestión de recursos naturales finitos con gamificación.

Calpa O Jorge Eduardo, Alexander Aragón Ch Alexander

Article Visits 73 | PDF Visits 87

1 - 12 |

Master key in inventory management: a ludic approach to meaningful learning in the engineering field

Llave maestra en la gestión de inventarios: una lúdica para el aprendizaje significativo en el campo ingenieril

Montoya Peláez Mauricio, Aguirre Alvarez Yenny Alejandra

Article Visits 131 | PDF Visits 68

13 - 21 |

Gamified Productivity: A Playful learning on Job Shop and Flow Shop production systems.

Productividad gamificada: un aprendizaje lúdico de los sistemas de producción Flow Shop y Job Shop.

Ruiz Moreno Silvana, Aguirre Cuervo Jhon Edward, Durango Marín José Alejandro

Article Visits 105 | PDF Visits 78

31 - 40 |

Open innovation Bootcamp in Higher Education Institutions: an experience through learning based on challenges of the territory

Bootcamp de innovación abierta en Instituciones de Educación Superior: una experiencia a través del aprendizaje basado en retos del territorio

Mesa Gallego Carolina, Hernández Ortiz Jhon, López Sánchez Jerri

Article Visits 140 | PDF Visits 80

41 - 51 |

Creation and development of a playful learning tool focused on independent demands

Creación y desarrollo de lúdica de aprendizaje enfocada en demandas independientes

Cardona Arias Andrés Mauricio, Marín Tintinago Daniela, Sánchez Salgado Kevin Alexis

Article Visits 79 | PDF Visits 55

52 - 61 |

Discovering the power of play in the educational process

Descubriendo el poder del juego en el proceso educativo

Torres Tovar Marlin Dayana, Chaparro Parada Luis Felipe, Beltrán Rodríguez Carlos Alirio

Article Visits 55 | PDF Visits 46

62 - 69 |

A comparative study to evaluate the subtractive and additive process in dentistry: a systematic review

A comparative study to evaluate the subtractive and additive process in dentistry: a systematic review

Carreño Ana Milena, Torres Margy Estefany, Ramirez Rojas Marlon Stiven, Núñez Rodriguez Jairo

Article Visits 123 | PDF Visits 87

70 - 91 |

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