

How to Cite
Vásquez Martínez, C. R., & Téllez López, J. (2009). The Environmental Philosophy and its Influence on the City. Ágora USB, 9(2), 531–568. https://doi.org/10.21500/16578031.413
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This current article aims at showing the wrong and distorted relationship of the person with nature, based mainly on the power and the exploitation, not with the interest of understanding what really nature is, what type of communication may take place among people and the rest of nature, the intrinsic value of nature and the animal consciousness. The prevailing idea is the conception created by the natural sciences, technology, the industrial society and the economy, according to which nature is just a reserve of the raw material the person can benefit from. Nature and animals are treated differently from what their real essence is. For instance, a pig or a cow is seen as a production vehicle. What the modern society is interested in is the percentage of fat the pig has, the nutritional value and the quality of the pork. We are not interested in the pig as an animal that has feelings and consciousness, with a different soul



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