

Cómo citar
Juarez, F. (2010). Chaos and health in the economic health sector in Colombia. International Journal of Psychological Research, 3(2), 29–33. https://doi.org/10.21500/20112084.809
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They were applied chaos theory and a complex model of health to establish relationships between aggregate indicators of financial statements in companies of the health sector in Colombia. The increase-decrease of cash flow, profits and losses, and total assets of 75 companies, as reported by the Corporate Supervision, were analyzed. Natural logarithms and the equation of the Lorenz attractor were applied to these indicators, leading to a clasification of the sector companies in two groups according to the new indicators obtained. By a nonlinear regression model, it was obtained a 96% of explained variance in one group, and an 80% for the other group, as opposed to a linear regression model, which explained a variance of 92% and 37% respectively. However, these changes make it dificult to interpret the new indicators.


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