

How to Cite
Juárez, F. (2016). Community strategic relationship and marketing to foster the development of communities and the sustainability of organizations. International Journal of Psychological Research, 9(1), 113–125. https://doi.org/10.21500/20112084.2106
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The purpose of this study was to define community strategic relationship and marketing (CSRM) as a relevant tool to foster the development of communities and the sustainability of organizations. The method was rationalist, theoretical, and conceptual; it comprised the analysis of a propositional structure. Articulated propositions provided a framework for analysis, discussion, and conclusions. After giving a definition of CSRM, several analyses were conducted that determined the uniqueness and usefulness of this approach. These analyses were: 1) the usefulness of the community concepts and strategies in CSRM, 2) the existence of a community approach to different strategic areas or marketing, and 3) the relevance of the use of community concepts and strategies to foster the development of communities and the sustainability of organizations. The conclusion was that CSRM and the use of these concepts and strategies have the potential to be a fruitful research and strategic approach in marketing and in all of organization activities.



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