

How to Cite
Vásquez Martínez, C. R., González Romero, V. M., Morfin Otero, M., Rodríguez Pérez, M. C., & Contreras Cueva, A. (2009). Quality Performance Strategy As A Competitive Factor In Distance Education And Higher Education In University Instruction. Ágora USB, 9(1), 211–222. https://doi.org/10.21500/16578031.412
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Throughout assessment, it can be seen how some criteria of academic performance, considered as being the most advanced ones in the process of learning, which are indicators of higher qualification, show low achievements on the part of the Distance Education students, EDI. This is not unwarranted and it originates in the pedagogical orientation of primary and secondary education, which is more interested in informing and developing elementary skills rather than to generate in the learners observation capabilities, analysis, synthesis and development of the divergent thinking, social consciousness and leadership capabilities in order to guide the process of social change



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